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Accelerating Salesforce Effectiveness with Coaching the Counselor Salesperson

Business Challenges Solved with This Course

Gain a Competitive Advantage

Helps sales managers develop a highly effective salesforce

Consistent Development Approach

Helps sales managers have a consistent approach to coaching and developing their sales team.

Develops Sales Managers

Development of sales managers is a critical success factor for enhanced sales productivity.

Delivery Options

Face-to-Face Workshops

Virtual Workshops

Coaching the Counselor Salesperson

The sales function is a key source of competitive advantage for organizations—there’s no place where competition is more intense. Having a highly effective salesforce and a consistent developmental approach to sales management are absolute necessities. The ability of sales managers to develop their salespeople has a significant impact on sales team success and revenue results. Consequently, the development of sales managers is a critical success factor for enhanced sales productivity.

What You Can Expect From This Course

Researched and developed by Wilson Learning, Coaching the Counselor Salesperson (CCSP) provides sales managers with the skills they need to ensure the ongoing success and development of the salesperson. This capability:

  • Provides an understanding of Wilson Learning’s The Counselor Salesperson (CSP) concepts and principles
  • Offers managers a coaching process—The ABCs of Coaching—that includes a feedback framework for developing a team of top-performing salespeople
  • Provides managers with practice and experience coaching to real-life sales situations

Used in conjunction with The Counselor Salesperson, CCSP creates a high performance sales system.

Coaching the Counselor Salesperson is a one or two day program that includes the coaching playbook, various performance application, reinforcement, and support tools, such as planning tools, checklists, application exercises, job aid cards and electronic reinforcement tools. These tools ensure that participants can hone newly acquired skills and behaviors upon returning to work.

After the workshop, Our Learning That Never Stops approach ensures skills learned in The Sales Advantage Series will be transferred to day-to-day work practices with our extended learning follow-up for self-paced reinforcement.

NuVue works with your team to identify your business needs to ensure the delivery of the program targets your business challenges and objectives. Program content can be customized based on your business model.

At the end of the workshop, participants are able to:

  • Understand the importance of and their role in coaching—specifically, coaching to CSP skills.
  • See how they can impact performance through their efforts.
  • Use the skills and tools provided to coach their salespeople, which will improve and stretch the performance of their entire sales team.

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