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Salesforce Compass

Identifying strengths and weaknesses in your salesforce can be a difficult task. Salesforce Compass™ is an economical needs analysis tool that allows you to diagnose the current skills and deficiencies within your salesforce. Data is collected using a 10-15 minute web-based survey and results from the data collected are presented in an easy to read report which clearly identifies the needs of your salesforce.

Results from this analysis are then utilized to provide solutions from our curriculum to provide your salesforce with the skills they need to meet your performance goals.

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Consultative Selling Survey

Determining the skills that need development within your salesforce can be a challenging task; however, the risk of not knowing can result in lost revenue. The Consultative Selling Survey is an online tool that generates a diagnostic analysis of the skill state of the sales organization. The resulting report yields information that can be used to make better decisions in the areas of sales development and performance improvement.

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Customer Relationship Inventory

Building customer relationships is important part of any salespersons job. The Customer Relationship Inventory measures the skill level of a salesperson on the competences taught in The Counselor Salesperson. Participants receive feedback from customers on their skills in four areas:


How the salesperson builds trust with their customers to make them feel more comfortable in the business relationship.


Identifying and clarifying the true needs and expectations of the customer.


Suggesting solutions that meet the buyers needs and help the buyer overcome objections when making a buying decision.


Assuring the buyer of continuous satisfaction with the products and services after the sale.

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Salesperson Navigator

Selling today requires more than personal effectiveness or technical effectiveness. Salespeople need to become valued consultants for the client organization to add value during the sales process. The Salesperson Navigator is a powerful assessment tool that identifies the areas of development needed within your organization’s salesforce.

Data for this report is normally collected via the internet and then presented in one or more organizational reports to show the actual patterns of strengths and development needs within the salesforce. Many organizations use this report as a needs analysis to target their development resources where they are most needed.

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Social Style Profile (sales)

We’ve all come across colleagues, prospects or customers who are easy to approach, enjoyable to know and a pleasure to work with. We also, experienced colleagues, prospects or customers who are very demanding, nearly impossible to satisfy and hard, if not impossible, to work with too.

Ever wonder why?

Sometimes it comes down to the different Social Style preferences. The Social Styles Assessment will determine your preferred Social Style – Driver, Analytical, Amiable or Expressive. In addition, you will discover how adaptable you are in adjusting your Social Style to meet the needs of your colleagues and customers.

The Social Styles Assessment is used with The Versatile Salesperson and Building Relationship Versatility.

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