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Personal Success Coach

  • 150 Page Personal Guide
  • Personal Development Plan Template

Select this option if you would like additional help interpreting your results and setting a personal development plan.

Have a NuVue Personal Success Coach help you analyze your results by identifying your talents and development areas.

NuVue provides a template for building a personalized leadership development plan and helps to build ideas to strengthen your talents and shore up development areas.

All those utilizing a Personal Success Coach gets an expanded 150-page Personal Development Guide filled with hundreds of development resources like on the job activities, workshops to attend, books, videos and podcasts.

Your Personal Success Coach can guide you on getting development conversations started with your manager, direct reports or others that provided you feedback.

ARA Navigator 360

  • Individuals
  • Managers
  • Executives

One Assessment for all leaders.

Guiding organizational and individual growth through creation and communication of a compelling vision and strategy.

  • Communicating Vision & Purpose: Conveying a vision of organizational success
  • Evaluating Structure and Processes: Ensuring the organization’s functions and systems are working optimally to achieve business objectives
  • Understanding the Competitive Environment: Recognizing how the organization differentiates itself in the marketplace

Ensuring that results are achieved by effectively planning work, delegating responsibility, reviewing performance, and improving systems and processes.

  • Hiring & Staffing: Taking actions to ensure that open positions are filled with the best available candidates
  • Managing Performance: Taking steps to ensure that goals are being met in an efficient and effective manner
  • Coaching for Performance: Guiding and supporting employees’ development efforts to achieve performance improvement
  • Managing Budgets & Expenses: Taking steps that generate revenue and/or save money for the organization

Creating an environment of collaboration and partnership to ensure effective working relationships.

  • Demonstrating Relationship Versatility: Adapting oneself to enhance workplace relationships
  • Resolving Conflict: Addressing areas of contention between individuals or groups in order to maintain work productivity
  • Influencing Others: Gaining support and motivating action through compelling communication
  • Listening For Understanding: Attending to what others are saying
  • Presenting to Groups: Expressing thoughts by speaking in a clear, organized manner to influence and not just inform others
  • Leading Teams: Facilitating a team’s efforts to accomplish specific objectives

Creating organizational success by contributing their personal talents, experiences, and abilities.

  • Solving Business Problems: Uses a sound approach to identify and solve problems
  • Making Decisions: Using a sound approach to make the best decisions possible using the available information
  • Managing Time: Making the most effective use of own time to accomplish tasks
  • Business Acumen: Demonstrating sufficient business and financial understanding to take appropriate actions
  • Social Character Traits: Integrity, Compassion, Propriety, Values Diversity, Cooperative, Accessible
  • Organizational Character Traits: Ethical, Customer Focus, Leadership Courage, Organizational Commitment
  • Personal Character Traits: Risk Taking, Initiative, Drive, Sense of Urgency, Tenacity, Resilience, Willingness to Adapt, Stress Management

Group Rollup Reports

  • See Patterns
  • Target Development
  • Better Investment Choices

Select Group Rollup reports if you are looking to see patterns and develop a companywide leadership development curriculum.

Results are combined in one or more organizational reports to show the actual patterns of strengths and development needs within the population of leaders.

As part of our standard service, NuVue will present these results during a 60-minute virtual meeting briefing to senior leaders. Many organizations use this report as a needs analysis to target their development resources where they are most needed.

Optional sub-grouping reports can be generated for various subgroups of the whole organization to get an accurate reading of the specific development needs within a department or division.

NuVue can provide a suggested multi-year curriculum to help develop leaders of all stages of leadership – emerging, performance and strategic.

Personal Success Coach

  • 150 Page Personal Guide
  • Personal Development Plan Template

Select this option if you would like additional help interpreting your results and setting a personal development plan.

Have a NuVue Personal Success Coach help you analyze your results by identifying your talents and development areas.

NuVue provides a template for building a personalized leadership development plan and helps to build ideas to strengthen your talents and shore up development areas.

All those utilizing a Personal Success Coach gets an expanded 150-page Personal Development Guide filled with hundreds of development resources like on the job activities, workshops to attend, books, videos and podcasts.

Your Personal Success Coach can guide you on getting development conversations started with your manager, direct reports or others that provided you feedback.

ARA Navigator 360

  • Individuals
  • Managers
  • Executives

One Assessment for all leaders.

Guiding organizational and individual growth through creation and communication of a compelling vision and strategy.

  • Communicating Vision & Purpose: Conveying a vision of organizational success
  • Evaluating Structure and Processes: Ensuring the organization’s functions and systems are working optimally to achieve business objectives
  • Understanding the Competitive Environment: Recognizing how the organization differentiates itself in the marketplace

Ensuring that results are achieved by effectively planning work, delegating responsibility, reviewing performance, and improving systems and processes.

  • Hiring & Staffing: Taking actions to ensure that open positions are filled with the best available candidates
  • Managing Performance: Taking steps to ensure that goals are being met in an efficient and effective manner
  • Coaching for Performance: Guiding and supporting employees’ development efforts to achieve performance improvement
  • Managing Budgets & Expenses: Taking steps that generate revenue and/or save money for the organization

Creating an environment of collaboration and partnership to ensure effective working relationships.

  • Demonstrating Relationship Versatility: Adapting oneself to enhance workplace relationships
  • Resolving Conflict: Addressing areas of contention between individuals or groups in order to maintain work productivity
  • Influencing Others: Gaining support and motivating action through compelling communication
  • Listening For Understanding: Attending to what others are saying
  • Presenting to Groups: Expressing thoughts by speaking in a clear, organized manner to influence and not just inform others
  • Leading Teams: Facilitating a team’s efforts to accomplish specific objectives

Creating organizational success by contributing their personal talents, experiences, and abilities.

  • Solving Business Problems: Uses a sound approach to identify and solve problems
  • Making Decisions: Using a sound approach to make the best decisions possible using the available information
  • Managing Time: Making the most effective use of own time to accomplish tasks
  • Business Acumen: Demonstrating sufficient business and financial understanding to take appropriate actions
  • Social Character Traits: Integrity, Compassion, Propriety, Values Diversity, Cooperative, Accessible
  • Organizational Character Traits: Ethical, Customer Focus, Leadership Courage, Organizational Commitment
  • Personal Character Traits: Risk Taking, Initiative, Drive, Sense of Urgency, Tenacity, Resilience, Willingness to Adapt, Stress Management

Group Rollup Reports

  • See Patterns
  • Target Development
  • Better Investment Choices

Select Group Rollup reports if you are looking to see patterns and develop a companywide leadership development curriculum.

Results are combined in one or more organizational reports to show the actual patterns of strengths and development needs within the population of leaders.

As part of our standard service, NuVue will present these results during a 60-minute virtual meeting briefing to senior leaders. Many organizations use this report as a needs analysis to target their development resources where they are most needed.

Optional sub-grouping reports can be generated for various subgroups of the whole organization to get an accurate reading of the specific development needs within a department or division.

NuVue can provide a suggested multi-year curriculum to help develop leaders of all stages of leadership – emerging, performance and strategic.


ARA NAVIGATOR 360° is a new leadership assessment tool that will assess a leader’s effectiveness in two ways: the level of skill the leader has, and the ability to use those skills appropriately when needed. The interactive report guides the leader on skills they use effectively and the skills they need to develop.

NuVue is proud to partner with the ARA to bring you ARA NAVIGATOR 360°

An organization’s ability to thrive in challenging times is largely determined by the quality and effectiveness of its leadership. Organizations can change their future by developing their leadership talent to meet current and future needs. The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) has partnered with NuVue to create a leadership assessment – called ARA NAVIGATOR 360° (a 360-Degree Feedback Instrument) built specifically for the agricultural industry.

Sample Reports

Individual Reports

After about three weeks of getting feedback – ARA Navigator 360° closes and you can access your results and watch the eLearning module – How to Interpret Your Results and Create a Personal Development Plan. All reports are online and interactive to give leaders an in-depth view of their leadership skills, how effective they are at each skill and how often they demonstrate that skill. This is a basis for building a personal development plan. If you would like additional help reviewing your results, NuVue provides 60-minute professional coaching sessions to analyze your results and provide guidance and suggestions for your personal development plan.

Group Rollup Reports

For companies with multiple leaders participating in ARA Navigator 360, Group Rollup Reports are available. All Group Rollup Reports capture the summary of all leaders participating in the assessment. These Group Rollup Reports help the organization determine the skill gaps needed to be developed and provide a roadmap for developing these skills. If you would like additional help reviewing your Group Rollup Report results, NuVue provides 60-minute professional coaching sessions to analyze your results and provide guidance and suggestions for building a company development plan.


ARA NAVIGATOR 360° – $199 ARA Member
Personal Coaching  – $199 ARA Member

Need To Order More Than 10 ARA NAVIGATOR 360° Assessments?

Please call NuVue at (919) 562-5599 or email or

For more information or to get started,

call us at (800) 688-8310.

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