Developing Great Leaders: Integrating Leadership Character and Skills
An organization can have the right strategy, structure, systems, and processes in place, but to succeed, it still requires people to execute the strategy. The challenge to the organization’s leaders is to create an environment in which employees feel valued,…
Speak the Language of Business and Increase Your Sales
Many customers don’t want your product, don’t want your service! They want what your product or service can do for them. They are looking for business results like, more profits, less costs, better margins, better working capital, increased net earnings,…
Hybrid Work – What is it and why do employees want it?
As we work towards bringing employees safely back to the office, employers are finding that not everyone wants to come back…at least not in a traditional 9 to 5 work model. A recent study by Slack, found that flexibility is…
Back to normal – What’s that?
As we enter 2022, most of us were thinking work & life may be returning to some normalcy that we knew before the pandemic hit in 2020. As new variants continue to be introduced, we are quickly seeing that “normal”…
Sales Training as Edu-tainment
Sales Training as Edu-tainment By this point — especially after more than a year of Zooms — we’re all familiar with the core tenets of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad business meeting. The speaker isn’t engaging; the information…
3 Tips for Returning to the Old Normal
As the world inches back to normal following the Covid-19 pandemic, you’ll be sure to feel a lot of emotions: joy, relief, excitement to get back to some semblance of regular life. If you’re a salesperson, though, one emotion you…
Generational Spotlight: Selling to Millennials
While some may describe them as self-centered, spoiled, or even just plain lazy, millennials are rapidly increasing their influence in the business world. While some may describe them as self-centered, spoiled, or even just plain lazy, millennials are rapidly increasing…
Generational Spotlight: Selling to Baby Boomers
No doubt, sales is hard. To succeed, you really have to know your customer. Here are some tips for connecting with Baby Boomers. Born between 1946 and 1964, Baby Boomers make up the second-largest portion of the U.S. population (having…
What is Business Acumen?
Does your team understand business strategy? Do they know why costs are cut? Do they know your industry's trends? Teaching business acumen provides all employees confidence and understanding in today's business world. The phrase “business acumen” may seem like an industry buzzword, but in fact…